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image blur中文是什么意思

用"image blur"造句"image blur"怎么读"image blur" in a sentence


  • 图像模糊
  • 影像模糊


  • At the same time , we eliminate the image blur by motion objects using optimal path finding
  • Those nonideal scattering centers make the imaging blur , but they also contain the feature of target
  • Also , the motion between the earth and the platform , atmosphere disturbance and so on make the images blurred and degraded
  • The image cube provides not only a clear range * . doppler image with superior resolution at each time instant but also the time * . varying history of the images , hence we obtain a good solution to the problem of range spread and image blurring
  • According to the characteristics of weak small targets with imaging blurring and low contrast , this paper puts forward a new method of image enhancement , which first removals background noise and clutter with the threshold high pass filter , and then eliminates background and enhances targets through histogram equalization
  • The systems perform the autofocus action with the following steps : analyzing image blurred degree , moving motorized lens , finding best imaging position and finish autofocus . a series of focus experiments have been performed on the above two autofocus systems , their veracity and reliability have probe to be excellent
  • In this paper , we first classify the nonideal scattering centers to three kinds through analysis the assumption of ideal scattering centers model . they are dispersive scattering centers , glide scattering centers and anisotropic scattering centers . also we conclude that all of them make the image blur by research on their display on imaging
  • Finally a novel algorithm flow is made to achieve 3d focusing with zoom microscope . for low enlargement images , global - coarse orientation is realized with auto - thresholding , corrosion - inflation operation and connected components labeling . and for large enlargement images , local - precise orientation is achieved by multiresolution wavelets segmentation on focus measure technique , which use the phenomena that images blur when out - of - focus
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